Executive Network Business

Porter and Covey Peer Group Meeting | What needs to happen for 2025 to start well?

This is an opportunity to share confidentially with your peers your vision for 2025, possible obstacles, and additional resources you may need before the new year. Come ready to be open and honest to receive the best possible feedback in a high-trust setting.  


You can let us know beforehand if you have a specific challenge you would like openly addressed. 


 Friday, 22nd November | Time: 10:45 am – 1:30 pm  


Eddie’s Diner |  2nd Floor, 73 Pasteur Street, District 1, HCMC


Victor Burrill, Chairman – Business Executive Network 


Members: Free of Charge 

Invited Guests: 1,000,000 VND 

Participants pay for their own food and drink 


Kindly fill in the form below, our team will reach out to you as soon as possible.

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    Never miss an update about our events and articles
    Tim Burrill
    Membership Manager & Executive Assistant
    If you would like to learn more about our events and membership, or have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.