Executive Network Business

Goldsmith peer group meeting

Goldsmith Peer Group | What Do You Need to Give Up?

*For members only

Renowned leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith emphasizes the importance of identifying what executives must give up, rather than focusing solely on what they need to do more of. Join this session to discuss what habits, mindsets, or behaviors might be hindering your personal and organizational growth that can create space for new ideas, strategies, and approaches that can drive success. 


Victor Burrill – Chairman | Business Executive Network


Thursday, 23rd May


10.45am – 1.30pm


Savills Vietnam | Ruby Tower, 18th Floor, 85 Ham Nghi Street, District 1, HCMC   


250,000 VND

Includes a simple lunch, tea, and coffee


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    Tim Burrill
    Membership Manager & Executive Assistant
    If you would like to learn more about our events and membership, or have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.