Executive Network Business

Pitch to Win: How to Present, Persuade and Close the Deal

Being the best doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the business—having the best pitch does. Everyone needs to know how to pitch their products, ideas, or themselves. Bestselling author, Dr. J’s 6-Step TTOPPS Formula has been credited with doubling the sales of some teams. With a combination of cutting-edge research, humor, entertaining stories, and practical take-home tools, Dr. J will show you how to pitch to win! 


Tuesday 15th April, 2025 | Time: 3.00pm – 6.00pm


Fusion Resort and Villas Da Nang | The Gallery – Lobby Level, Truong Sa Street, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang City


Justin Cohen, Best-selling Author and Global Speaker 


Members: 1,250,000 VND | Members Guests: 1,500,000 VND | Non-Members: 1,750,000 VND

Includes coffee, tea and refreshments. 


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