Member Since 2021

Simon Pugh has been involved in the printing industry since he was seven years old and his parents started their family business in Australia. School holidays were jokingly referred to as being sent to the printing mines, but also gave great insight into the work required to create a business. Simon has a keen sense of adventure. Mid-way through the obtention of his law degree, he took off for three and a half years to travel through Canada and Europe and to hitchhike from Morocco to Kenya. His return to university studies were cut short by the sudden death of his father, which led him to officially join the family business in 1992. QLM now operates seven factories in five countries employing over 550 people and is majority owned by Pugh and his husband.

As an LGBTQI+ community member, Simon believes it is important to create a safe space for diversity, both within the work force and also in the community. He is actively involved in activities driving both.

Simon sees the value in being part of the Business Executive Network because it creates opportunities to connect and share ideas with other business leaders and innovators

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