Before the pandemic many companies were already seeking ways to innovate their workspaces. In the ongoing war for talent, employers were starting to acknowledge that younger generations, millennials and Gen Z, needed more. Hot desking, home working and flexible zones were on the rise. Meanwhile social media, smart phones and collaborative technology had been improving rapidly, becoming more reliable, threatening to seismically disrupt traditional working patterns.

The pandemic magnified these trends almost overnight, employee expectations and business operations were challenged like never before.


When younger employees search for work, they typically request flexible or hybrid working as a prerequisite. According to Deloitte, twice as many under-35s want permanent flexible working options post-pandemic compared to over-55s. They are also more inclined to choose a workplace that looks impressive and feels modern. A modern workspace helps to attract and retain top talent, drives innovation, collaboration and even mental health benefits, all critical for competitive advantage.

Recent times have therefore given employers cause to consider not only the way people work and where from, but also ways to improve the office space they have. The aim is to make the workplace inviting, collaborative, and attractive to new talent seeking their first or next career move.


Companies that get their approach to the three Rs right will benefit from the positives associated with having a satisfied and motivated workforce resulting in better performance. Choosing the approach that’s the ‘right fit for your organization’ is therefore a key strategic decision.

Arguably the critical time for considering this decision is before employees return at scale to the workplace. This is so the organization is well prepared for the questions and concerns employees will predictably raise.

Of course, no one can predict the future challenges that may impact the workforce and workplace. Yet communicating your intentions to your employees is also of the greatest importance. Leaving employees in the dark around your plans for the workplace and the workforce can breed distrust and demotivation.

It is important to keep in mind that at some point in the near future, companies across the world will be making their decision on next steps. Getting ahead of the game will ensure you have the resources and support to help you on your way. Reticence to make a decision could see you getting left behind.

“The focus is on the people, in creating a psychologically safe working environment. It’s change management, helping to build safety, teamwork, and creating a high level of trust to bring spontaneous creativity and ultimately positive business performance.”
Jamie Rossall
Country Manager, Crown Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar

Crown Workspace Vietnam is your one-stop-shop for workplace change and an ideal partner for advising on and managing change right across the globe.

Get in touch to discuss your workspace challenges and requirements:
Call: (Da Nang) Tel: +84-236-367-6986
Call: (Hanoi) Tel: +84-243-936-6741
Call: (Ho Chi Minh City) Tel: +84-283-840-4237

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