This publication is called [C], which I believe stands for “C-Suite”, so I assume I am talking to the boss. It’s nice to have the undivided attention of the top-level decision-maker for a few minutes so I’ll try to make the most of it. In this column, I will try to offer some advice to […]
The renowned academic presents me with a copy of the latest edition of his critically acclaimed book. He apologetically answers a quick phone call. It is his recently arrived Taiwanese research assistant, who is boosting her career by shadowing the master for three months. He gives her some instructions and sighs as he puts away […]
From 1 January 2021, a new Labor Code adopted by the National Assembly took effect. This new law entirely replaces the previous Labor Code 2012. In this column, I would like to talk about some of the fundamental changes for employers’ consideration to comply with the new laws. CHANGES TO WORK PERMIT OBTAINMENT According to […]
Dear friends and members, I am sure like me, many of you have spent more time cooking, washing up and doing household chores recently because of the recent lockdown. I am particularly inspired by the tremendous acts of generosity and community spirit throughout our country and how people have rallied to help their friends, neighbors, […]
Part of the joy of my job is learning. I learn so much from the clients I coach, the professionals I train and the people I interview. It’s always a humbling and insightful experience to have engaging conversations with leaders I respect. At the core of the Business Executive Network is the idea that it’s […]
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF AND HOW YOU BECAME INVOLVED WITH MARIE STOPES INTERNATIONAL? I was born in Hanoi as the youngest child in my family before the American War and experienced a lot of hardship during my childhood. My parents believed that education was the only way to have a better life, especially for girls. […]